Tuesday 13 May 2014

Sorry, Blog - I've been neglecting you!

But I have been busy, honestly! I'm tangled up with an application for Gift Aid on last year's donations; has to be done on line - and if you've been reading this blog for any length of time you'll have guessed that 'online' and 'Tom' are not happy partners! However, we're on the verge of success: I am now waiting 'ten working days' for a code number which will enable my user number to submit the detailed claim for the tax refund. Hopefully. Fingers crossed. Of course it will.
 Chasing Freedom Home, the latest Malinding village book, is tip-toeing into the sales on Amazon.
As soon as the rain stops J 7 I will go for a refreshing trike/bike ride (and cake and coffee) and all will be well with our bit of the world. Trouble is, of course, that so many bits of the world won't be well. Still, that's no excuse not to do what we can.
 Another thought, offered to me by a friend years ago: the main trouble with growing old is that you forget how absent-minded you were years ago!
 Where did I put the last receipt book for donations????

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